What is a zine?
A self-published, often homemade mini magazine. It’s purpose being one of self-expression, not one of profit.
How do I make one?
The easiest way is to fold a piece of printer paper in half hamburger style, add as many pages as needed, and start creating! Other ways include using InDesign, Photoshop, or Word/Google Docs.
Helpful guides:
What is it supposed to be about?
It can be about anything and may or may not have a theme. Some zines are simply collections of the creator’s ideas and others focus on specific topics or stories.
What’s it supposed to look like?
The liberating thing about zines is that you, as the creator, gets to decide everything. This means your zine can be tiny or huge, black and white or color, etc. All up to you!
What’s the difference between a zine and Keke Magazine’s main issues?
Zines focus on individual creator’s and their desired messages, whereas Keke Magazine is a community of creators. Zines are often shorter, as they can be any length the creator desires. Zines are also more convenient to make.
Content examples:
Zines often include writing (personal essays, anecdotes, interviews), poems, art, collages, comics, and really anything you may want.
Here are some sample images (via Google) for a better idea:

zines can be about anything- notice there is even one about moths