Currently there are a lot of problems with media- specifically in their portrayal of women. When articles feature women as their central subjects, which is already rare to begin with, the topics are generally what they’re wearing and focuses on their appearance. This doesn’t only happen to celebrity women, but also female executives, and basically every female. Instead of focusing on their accomplishments, society has taught women to prioritize appearance, which is largely assisted by media. Furthermore, everyone’s probably seen by now, how every magazine, billboard, TV show, uses “perfect women”. This means that through Photoshop and editing, media creators shape a societal expectation that leads women, especially young girls, to think that this is the way you should look like and behave. Now don’t get me wrong, supermodels are beautiful to look at but the constant lack of representation from any other type of girl is concerning. Also in fashion and beauty magazines, other than featuring these supermodels, they often feature products that are too expensive in fancy spreads and really only target a specific market of girls. The problem is that the media industry lacks women, which is why we’re in a constant cycle of having predominantly male actors, male anchors, etc. that produces a messed up female portrayal.

Through Keke Magazine, we hope to combat all these problems one step at time. From featuring all kinds of women in our upcoming issue to promoting content from the minds of women in order to create a safe space in the crazy Internet world we have nowadays. This magazine will help girls embrace their flaws, rather than neglecting them and create a platform for female empowerment. But it is not only up to this magazine. Each and every one of you has a powerful voice that can be used to combat these issues with women in media, whether it’s on social media or to your friends. Look within yourself as well, because that is where you can find who a true girl is.